It allows generating an infinite maze looking at any arbitrary area of the maze, without any loops, using fractal coordinates
MrLeap 1 hours ago [-]
Oh I loath how that first link hijacks the back button.
vintagedave 6 hours ago [-]
Remarkably simple with great results. I recommend checking out the author’s book Mazes for Programmers: one of the best programming books I’ve ever read. Incredibly clearly explained, and very interesting, which is an excellent combination.
hinkley 6 hours ago [-]
Reminds me a little of Hilbert curves.
It would be kind of cool to generate an 'infinite' maze this way by starting the process and only recursing to max depth only for the nodes closest to the exits.
Live demo at:
It allows generating an infinite maze looking at any arbitrary area of the maze, without any loops, using fractal coordinates
It would be kind of cool to generate an 'infinite' maze this way by starting the process and only recursing to max depth only for the nodes closest to the exits.